My Services


I can provide comprehensive family mediation for couples regarding all aspects of separation and divorce including:

  • parenting and children’s issues
  • child and spousal support
  • financial and property division

Drawing from extensive and well-rounded family law experience, I educate couples on the benefits of mediation and I facilitate the process on their behalf. Acting as a neutral third party, I work with them together, encouraging both parties to openly and respectfully address the issues arising from their separation. Because I am a lawyer, I can prepare the Separation Agreement which confirms the agreements reached in mediation."

The mediation process typically includes the following steps:
  • initial sessions in which I meet with each party separately
  • identification of individual and common interests
  • joint meetings in which the parties work through an agenda set by them
  • appropriate experts, if necessary, to assist with child- or property-related issues
  • drafting of a Separation Agreement

The parties take the Separation Agreement to their respective lawyers for review and finalization. The result is a legally binding agreement that has been created in a non-adversarial environment and is in the interests of both parties and their children.

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